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An era is at an end. Not of one person or president, but of some basic expectations of human conduct from the highest office in the land. A wise man named billy barr once said, "When I know I'm gonna fall skiing, I just sit down instead of landing on my face." So the question is, what does sitting down look like in the Epoch of Anything Goes? Clearly kindness, science, personal integrity and respect are useless to hold up as standards for our leaders. Just as clearly, we must find common ground or risk the dissolution of our country. People are already speaking of succession and partitioning parts of the country which do not agree with the ideology of the incoming regime. Whether this gains enough support to produces results is almost a moot point because it underscores the disintegration of unity around a significant purpose-namely, One Nation under God, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL. (my emphasis) We needn't look far to ...