
Showing posts from January, 2017

Play First

An era is at an end. Not of one person or president, but of some basic expectations of human conduct from the highest office in the land.  A wise man named billy barr once said, "When I know I'm gonna fall skiing, I just sit down instead of landing on my face." So the question is, what does sitting down look like in the Epoch of Anything Goes? Clearly kindness, science, personal integrity and respect are useless to hold up as standards for our leaders. Just as clearly, we must find common ground or risk the dissolution of our country.  People are already speaking of succession and partitioning parts of the country which do not agree with the ideology of the incoming regime. Whether this gains enough support to produces results is almost a moot point because it underscores the disintegration of unity around a significant purpose-namely, One Nation under God, INDIVISIBLE, with LIBERTY and JUSTICE for ALL. (my emphasis) We needn't look far to ...

I Lost It

Why was it so easy to go inside, shut the door and plug into a virtual world? Do you remember when you first sat at a computer? First had a cell phone? First owned your own personal computer? Some people may not remember now because their world always had such things in them, but I remember the advance of technology and it started when I was 12. Before 6th grade, the most complex machine I used was an automatic typer that would flash a pixelated letter across the thin screen until you hit the right key. But when I discovered Oregon Trail and Where In the World Is Carmen Sandiego, a tractor beam began to pull. By high school, I was racing through Keyboarding class which taught the basics of word processing and occasionally using my parent's cell phone that was the size of a bread loaf and about as easy to talk on. In college, I received my first email address and installed my first home modem with the help of my techy boyfriend, Rolf. A cell phone followed shortly after, a...

Warts and All

To Our Dear Fellow Human Beings: This year has been a time to reflect upon what our deepest commonalities truly are. We have been forced to acknowledge that there are differences between ourselves and people we thought we shared values, political leanings or global sentiments with. We have seen relationships go through growing pains and in some cases, detach. We have had our feet held to the fire as we wrestle with the question, “What happens now?” In the Eld-Mathis family, we have found ourselves confronted with choices about how we eat and how we treat people we differ wildly in opinion with. Just a few months ago, Tobias and I watched a documentary called Cowspiracy which talks about the environmental impact of the animal agriculture business and were compelled to admit that we needed to move towards a more plant based diet. That is, IF we wanted to exercise our finite ability to make a positive impact on the planet we all share. It is not easy to shift in that direction...