
Showing posts from January, 2015

Selfies Vs. Traditional Publishing-Which Style Fits You Best?

Self-publishing outstripped the traditional publishing market in terms of titles produced around 2010. Yes, you might agree, but how many of those titles are complete rubbish? Furthermore, selfies are the ones who got rejected from real publishers so what could I possibly have to learn from them, right? There have been naysayers since the dawn of time and if we’d listened to them, the bicycle, the computer, and humans on the moon might never have happened. So what IS there to learn from the world of self-publishing, and how might it make your career as a writer more fulfilling? Confession time. I never even approached a traditional publisher. With any of my books. I did my research and decided that the open road was the way for me. Why? Let me be clear. I like control: I like to create what I want to create and write about what I want to write about. I also want to be connected to any money I make and any decisions about how I am portrayed. Self-publishing appealed to me like the wi