On Your Mark, Get Set...

Part 2 Not to be a stickler for organization, but it's important when you're embarking on a long journey. It's helpful to think about writing a book in terms of a getting a college degree. Even if you go full time and take maximum credits or challenge every class, it will still take you a certain amount of time to get through all the material. Just so, now that you've been doing your Morning Pages faithfully for at least a month, you can see how much material is generated when you write a certain number of pages every day. The average novel length hovers between 75 and 90 THOUSAND words which means that you'll be typing or handwriting A LOT. I recommend you chose whatever form is the most fluid for you. Just remember though, you'll need to transcribe all your handwritten pages onto the computer eventually, so my vote is for the keys. Especially with your first book. It's important to have carrots of accomplishment at regular intervals and now is not re...