
Showing posts from May, 2016

Fluid Dynamics of Mind

Once, there was a bearded stranger on my flight to Santa Fe. His eyes hid behind black spectacles and he carried an Oxford English Dictionary under his arm. When we arrived in Albequerque, he boarded the train heading into the Sandilla Mountains and beyond them, Santa Fe. He sat across the aisle from me, the OED riding shotgun next to him. It was more than my restraint could handle. I have loved the OED since I was a small girl, its content obviously the key to worlds I hadn't even dreamed. I stood up and walked the aisle to his space. He looked up. Smiled. Motioned to the open seat. I opened my mouth and poured out questions. He left home at 15 to learn about life. Not because home was bad, but because he was curious. He drove the country as a long haul trucker, worked as a farm hand and learn the trade. He could build, transport, politicize and philosophize. He'd come from Portland to Santa Fe after living in a friend's yurt for a couple years while they developed a s...