Your Baby Is A Dowsing Rod

Back in the 1960's it was not uncommon for farmers to employ dowsers, or water witches , when choosing spots to drill a well. My dad Jim recalls watching dowsers follow their forked rods during his summers at great uncle Elmer's farm in Molalla, Oregon. Dowsers held the y shaped forks in upturned palms with the root of the stick facing the sky. When water was near, the root would incline downwards. Dad showed me this with the dowsing rod he inherited from Elmer years later. I guessed it made sense, using something that was living or once living, to point out the location of a life-giving substance. However, I was not expecting to have my 15 month old baby perform the same function on our trip to the Languedoc this summer. We arrived in Carcassonne, France for an 11 day stay in Vernet-les-Bains at the foot of Mt. Canigo, sacred mountain of Catalonia. My plan was to visit as many of the portals in the Venus Magic Square as possible and experience the ancient energies. To ...